+*+*~Quote Of The Day~*+*+

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Jim Rohn, Business Philosopher

July 25, 2008

+*+*~Sorga Kami~*+*+

Kalu tengok betul2 kat +*+*~my wish list~*+*+ tu, am sure u realize that one of my wish is to go back to our crib. Dah lama kami tinggalkan sorga kami ni, almost 1/2 year. So, disebabkan my sister semester ni dia tak nak sewa rumah, she decided to stay at my house, somewhere in Puchong which turn to be a good reason for me to go back to our crib! +*+*~Yeahhh..~*+*+
Actually rumah aku ni tak lah besar sangat, just a small condo +*+*~about 1000 sqft, with 3 rooms & 2 bathrooms~*+*+ yang oklah kalu duduk berdua or bertiga. Situated at 7th floor dengan harapan a good reason for me to exercise +*+*~kalau guna tangga lah~*+*+ I chosed to buy this house for several reasons:-

1. Its almost complete facilities ~ swimming pool, children playground, gym, tennis court, pak & mak guards. Mulanya masa aku decided nak beli rumah ni tak de plan pun nak kawen, so konon2nya beli rumah ni senang la anak2 buah aku nak mandi kolam ke, nak main kat playground ke. Tapi, sebab dah kawen end up with, senangla anak aku nak main kat playground or mandi kolam nanti..hehe.. :P

2. This area situated near to LDP highway. Dulu masa survey bagai nak rak ada juga 2-3 choices yang aku buat, almost semua kat area Puchong & Putra Heights. +*+*~Previously I worked in Shah Alam, that's the main reason why I chosed Puchong area, dekat dgn tempat kerja, also senang nak ulang-alik to my parents house~*+*+. Tapi kalau condo-house type semuanya letak ke dalam2, jauh dari jalan utama or highway,so agak bahaya untuk single lady macam aku ni +*+*~masa tu lah~*+*+. Tapi condo ni memang deeeekat sangat dgn LDP highway tu, kalau dari highway pun leh nampak dah condo ni.

3. Tempat ni tak lah sebising Pusat Bandar Puchong, however it is still near to it. So, senangla, kat sini ada semua +*+*~Jusco, Tesco, Giant >> u name it. Pusat urut yg bersepah-sepah mcm kat Thailand tu pun ada..hehe..~*+*+. Kalau siapa yang biasa dengan area Puchong ni u knowlah how development going on at Puchong area. Kat Pusat Bandar Puchong tu memang padat gila. Coming soon, Puchong Gateway pulak nak launch, which is so near to my house..macam sebelah rumah je. Area ni pun dekat dengan Putrajaya and Cyberjaya.

4. It is a good asset investment. Prediction lagi 2-3 tahun Puchong will turn out to be like Damansara. So, apa lagi nak cerita banyak. Masa aku beli rumah ni dulu pun, harga opening dia +*+*~RM 95k ++~*+*+ tapi for new block harga opening is +*+*~RM145k ++~*+*+. So, nampak tak, harga rumah je pun dah jauh gila beza, after 5 years nanti kita tengok how much this house will value.

5. It is a good development area and good developer too. Skang ni kat sekeliling area condo ni dah naik 3 kawasan perumahan yang agak mewah. Design2 rumah ni boleh tahanlah and harga dia still affordable. Pastu material yang developer ni pakai pun boleh tahan jugak quality dia +*+*~but please don't compare with MK Land or IJM or Glomac~*+*+. Kalau nak cerita area development, memang dasyatla kat area ni. Kalau tengok kat depan sana, memang dah almost complete la, kat area sini akan ada Masjid +*+*~construction in progress, just behind this condo~*+*+, pastu akan ada sekolah +*+*~baru ada tapak, belum construct lagi~*+*+, kedai-kedai and what not. Belakang area condo ni is kawasan perindustrian kecil sederhana Puchong, so later on kalu business aku dah ok sikit memang aku decide nak beli factory kat belakang ni je. Senang la nak pegi keje, jalan kaki pun boleh..hehe..

For me, this crib is really a good start for me +*+*~eventhough kecik & macam duduk dalam pigeon hole~*+*+. Maybe in 2-3 years time I will start hunting for semi-D, so nak kena survey dulu area mana kita nak hunt.

And the most important thing is...I'm really happy to have this small little heaven! +*+*~clap!clap!&smile!~*+*+

+*+*~Kalau sempat nanti aku amik gambar rumah yg husband aku beli, yang tu kat Kajang area, service apartment. Crib yang ni laaaaagi lama dah kena tinggal, almost a year sebab lepas kawin terus duduk Puchong.~*+*+

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