+*+*~Quote Of The Day~*+*+

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Jim Rohn, Business Philosopher

July 23, 2008

+*+*~Chicken Chops~*+*+

First skali, do u realize that now blogger is available in Malay? Bila masuk kat dashboard tu, change language to Malay and see the result. Dashboard = Papan Pemuka, Help = Bantuan, Log Out = Rakam Keluar which remind me when the first time I saw Nokia 3310 handphone yang boleh change language to Malay...jadi sangat lawak okkkk. Skang ni pun aku saje change language to Malay and buat aku nak gelak..hak..hak..hak..Also, teringat masa zaman matrix dulu bila belajar komputer dalam bahasa Melayu, which is keyboard = papan kekunci, hard disc = cakera keras, compact disc (CD) = cakera liut, joy stick = kayu ria...kahkahkah..rasa macam nak gelak sampai pecah perut.

Enough! It's not I tried to kutuk bahasa sendiri. Macam mana pun, bahasa Melayu ni bahasa kebanggaan akulah kan. Cuma, bila terms yang biasanya kita sebut in English suddenly kita melayukan, jadi pelik & tak seswaiii..hehe..

So, yesterday I was busy searching for Cordon Bleu recipes and also facts about Chicken Chops. Masuklah kat wikipedia, and search for Cordon Bleu. Rupa-rupanya aku baru tau yang Cordon Bleu tu adalah salah satu type of Chicken Chops dan Chicken Chops tu nama makanan tu kat Malaysia sahaja. Internationally its known as Wiener Schnitzel sebab makanan ni berasal daripada Austria. Originally it is made from veal coated with breadcrumb and fried. However nowadays it is modified accordingly to meet hukum syarak, nutrition needs and what not.

So, ni ringkasan about this dish:-
1. Internationally its known as Wiener Schnitzel meaning Viennese Cutlet
2. In Argentina it is called Milanesa
3. In Brazil it is known as "file a milanesa" meaning Milanese Steak
4. In Czech Republic it is known as "smazeny rizek"
5. In England it is known as Parmo in Teesside area or Escalope particularly when it is made with chicken.
6. In Hungary it is known as "ranthotus" (fried slice) or "becsi szelet" (viennese slice) or "borju becsi" (viennese veal).
7. In Italy it is known as "cotoletta alla milanese"
8. In Iran well known as "Shenitsel" but it is usually thicker, bigger, spicier and fried with crispier breading (sebab size orang kat sana kan besar2, mana layan size2 kecik ni).
9. In Israel it is known as "Schnitzel" or "ktita".
10. In Poland known as "kotlet schabowy".
11. In Portugal known as "bife panado".
12. In Romania known as "snitel".
13. Also found in Slovakia and named as "vyprazany rezen" or "snicel"
14. In South Africa it can be found as chicken, cordon bleu, beef or pork schnitzel.
15. In Spain it is known as "Escalope Milanesa". Also known as "Filete Empanado" when eaten as sandwich.
16. In United States it is well known as "Chicken Fried Steak" or "Country Fried Steak".

TAPI, KAT MALAYSIA APESAL NAMA DIA CHICKEN CHOP?? GILA TAK GLAMOUR LANGSUNG!! kalau aku tukar kepada nama asal dia, ada tak agaknya orang yang nak beli produk aku ni?

For more info about this dish, please visit here

3 komen:

Mimi said...

eheh.. aku penah makan cordon bleu kat secret recipe je.. tapi dlm dia ada melted cheese cm gambo nko tu kan..

psstt.. wehs hantarla sample (yg dh siap masak) kat umah aku.. kekekeke

MOLY said...

sedapnya kak !!
lapo laa

Rozelia Shariff said...


Boleh, boleh...
Nanti aku wat delivery ye..


Tapi gambar tu bukan version yang akak buat...
Akak punya version laaaagi leh wat lily lapo..
