As I promise yesterday, I will show you how to prepare that wonderful breakfast using HBL Breakfast Shakes.
All you need is
200 mL low fat milk
100 mL chill water
notes: I just use the HBL shaker to measure the liquid as it already has the senggat2
2 hipped spoon of HBL Formula 1 in Cappuccino
Notes: I got this hipped spoon together with my Formula 1 + Tea Mix set
1 banana

Put altogether inside the electric blender. Blend it until the colour of the milk changed and everything is perfectly & smoothly blended.
And the result is.....
A yummy yet healthy breakfast every morning!
(This mixture make up about 240 cal for your daily energy consumption).
Notes: You can just shake the mixture using the HBL mixture, but life will be easier using the electric blender and you can add additional flavour to make this breakfast more exciting. You can also add in some ice cube if you like.
And I know, loosing weight during pregnancy is totally wrong. So to make it clear, I'm joining this diet program not because I want to loose weight (eventho I wish to) but just to make sure that my baby get the nutritions she needs. (And to show my support to the beloved father..hihi..)
My Diet Menu Today
So, for my lunch today I had
a bowl of rice + masak asam pedas fish + 1 lady finger + a lots of veges (see, nasikku dan ikanku pun dah tenggelam dalam sayur-sayuran itu...huhu..), and.....
a bowl of tofu + veges soup, and.....lots and lots of water. While my husband had a bowl of honeydew and a banana + 1.7L of HBL Tea mix. Hahaha..kejam kan saya? However, its for his own good. (However, I got updated by him just now, he had rice for his lunch but its ok as we both having a meeting tonight so its difficult for me to prepare dinner for him. At least the foods he consume today will last until tonight!)
The Observation
On the first day he attend this diet program I did measure on his waist line. Last time it shows 42.5 inches and today when I remeasure the same area the reading show 41 inches which means he had lost 1.5 inches in 2 days! So amazing!! Congratulations hubby!
What is my next step?
I can't wait to see the result on next, next, next....days!! I think this product really make my life so amazing and exciting!!
Tonight I'm having organization meeting with Jeffrey & Connie. And tomorrow I'll be going to Lumut, Perak to attend my husband's cousin's wedding ceremony. And most probably we'll be revealing to my MIL about my pregnancy! Can't wait to see the happiness shine on her face.
3 komen:
Hi Aimi,
First of all, how old are u again?? Hihihi.. Saje nak tau! :)
Well dear, thanks for dropping by my blog! And ya, for the info too.. :)
Hmmm. I awal2 dah reveal kt my MIL & my family.. Sbb excited sgt kot! Hihihi.. Anyhow, I consume HL too b4 kawen.. It worked great!! GOOD LUCK okeh..
well yess!! lets share the info together.. :) :)
p.s. I thot nak minum HL gak time bfast (while preggy nih) tp I'm thinking to get other supplements instead. :)
Congrats Lea, for your first step to a healthy lifesytle. Stay healthy with Herbalife. Dah tiga tahun aku amik super powder ni.. Gembire je..
P.s: Found your link via facebuk. :)
The Mrs-Bride,
Am already 29, dah tua dah..but jiwa maintain muda..hehe..
Actually aritu saya ada tanya dengan my coach about consuming herbalife during pregnant and he told me herbalife is complete with the suplement so kalau consume herbalife during pregnant kita dah tak perlu risau about consuming other supplement. In addition it is safe for the baby as it is natural and full with nutrition for your baby too.
Bila saya consume herbalife ni, sakit2 badan saya hilang and feel more energy. Sebelum ni memanjang penat je. And also he advice me not to consume during breakfast only but also for dinner so that am able to supply more nutrition to the baby.
And the best part is the result...he told me that baby skin will be bautiful and ohh..can't wait to see the result.
Miss Min,
Ni cik Min Marhainis ke? Its ok jumpa blog aku vis FB, memang saje letak nak suruh jawan2 drop by.
Memang Herbalife ni SUPERB!! Husband aku consume, boleh drive for 4 hours tanpa rasa mengantuk! And sangat gembira juga.
Syokla ada kawan2 yang consume herbalife ni juga. Lets share the experience, so, selalu2 la datang jenguk blog aku ye. :)
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