Its my 2nd day consuming HBL Breakfast shakes, and 2nd day for my husband consuming both HBL Breakfast shakes and HBL Tea Mix.
I had my breakfast at 9.00am this morning while my husband had it at 11.00am as he woke up late. He just came back home at 4.00 am and that's the reason why he woke up so late this morning. And oh...I cannot mix the shakes with banana because we're running out of time yesterday to stop at the market to buy some. But its ok, still we can have the delicious breakfast this morning.
My Diet Menu today
Breakfast: HBL Breakfast Shakes in Capuccino
Lunch: I have 
1 bowl rice + fish (rebus one)+ kerabu mangga + hati goreng
a bowl of mix vege soup.
I bought all of them from kakak gemuk as I don't have
Dinner : will be a bowl of chicken soup with some potatoes (just like I had last night) and HBL Breakfast Shake in Cappuccino. (Or I will use meat either...daging kurban banyak lagi daaa)
My Husband's Diet Menu today
Breakfast + Lunch: HBL Breakfast shakes in Cappuccino. And 1.7L HBL Tea Mix for all day long.
Dinner: HBL Breakfst shakes in Cappuccino. (I hope we have time to buy some fruits and vege today).
And oh..for his lunch I have to break my promise as ...I already stated the reason right?
The Observation
My husband still full of energy. Doesn't feel sleepy while driving again. And for me, I feel a little bit sleepy after consuming the breakfast this morning, perhaps due to lack of water intake last night. However, after I've finished about 2 bottles of water, my energy back to normal, but I pee a lot! (Hopefully it will result in flushing all the invisible fat inside my body).
When we consuming this HBL breakfast, we feel a little bit dry on our body (most obvious in our mouth) so it is advicable to consume a lot of water...2L per day is the best practice. As for me, yesterday I managed to consume more than 2L water yesterday and my husband 1.7L,hopefully it will be increase by today. And now I'm running out of water so I need to get it from the shop downstairs.
Notes: I will show how to prepare that delicious breakfast tomorrow..hopefully I won't forget to take the picture.
And I hate Mcdonald's because of this
Damn you Mcdonald's!! Try to screw up my diet program huh??!!
2 komen:
i know i'm not supposed to do it, but i ate that burger last night for SUPPER! hahahaha. pastu rasa guilty. ntah hape2 jer kan. well, for once ajar pasni takleh dah.. sorry Baby Jr. (my little one).. hehehe!
The Mrs-Bride
Its ok. Kalau makan macam tu sometimes apa salahnya. Just that remeber, bila kita pregnant ni we need more nutrition than calories, so just make sure that what you eat contain more nutrition instead of calory sebab nanti lepas delivery jadi 1 keje pulak nak turunkan berat semula.
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