+*+*~Quote Of The Day~*+*+

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Jim Rohn, Business Philosopher

October 31, 2009

+*+*~This Really Make Me Burst Into Tears~*+*+

Its not because I'm sad or I'm mad...but it is because I'm so happy and excited!

Straf Design Boutique Hotel, Milan. Picture source from Google.

Bulgari Boutique Hotel, Milan. Picture source from Google.

The Gray Boutique Hotel, Milan. Picture source from Google.

Its luxury boutique hotel in Milan by the way. Let us blame the AFC, ada ka patut diaorang bawa saya ke Milan hari ni, siap tunjuk how their fashion and boutique hotels look like. Arghh...after 2011 definitely I want to go there so in this 2 years silalah bekerja keras dan kumpul duit banyak2...baru syok nak pegi shopping-mopping. :)

Ye...otak saya telah mula berangan-angan membawa saya ke sana, eventho I never been to any Europe country but I always dream to go there, especially to Italy. And I also read that Berlin also is the best place for boutique hotel like this and Paris and London. macam tengok iklan designer je....Paris, London, Milan, yada...yada. Yes, after this I should go and try those boutique hotel. And also I really want to go to Vegas. Last STS, Shai Nafte the millionaire team show us the view from the suite from one of the famous hotel in Vegas. He showed us how the dancing fountain looks like and I really want to see it for real one day!

I believe I can get it all, definitely will!

October 28, 2009

+*+~Time Management: If U Find Something U're Doing That Cannot Bring U Closer To Your Goal, Stop And Leave It!~*+*+

Yeah right! I got this from Hemang Pandit, Senior Executive President's Team Member from India. Its simple isnt it and make sense too.

Well, right now I got a little bit back pain and sore throat. Actually my throat is not that soar but to be exact I lost my voice. Shoot! My voice is the most precious thing for me right now (besides my phone and Tanita Scale) and without it I really cannot focus well on my business. Arghh...please return my voice back! And this back pain, I got it since I gave birth to my son, I hate it so much! Maybe a good massage will relief it. So, Mr.Hubby dearie, can u please find place for me to get that treat..please...please..*wink*

Sometimes a little voice inside me start to ask me to go to vacation. Wait my dear...I have to avoid this for a while because it will not bring me closer to my goal. U see, I really want to be a President's Team in 2011, so please. I need to focus on my goal and after I reach to my President's Team level I have more time to do that :). So, first forget about vacation!

And sometimes that little voice of me will ask me to go back to work. Just because I miss that working environment. Hold on...that definitely won't bring me closer to my goal! It will take me far from it because I know that I can be the best slave you can ever imagine. So, just forget about it, my goal now is to be President's Team and be the boss to myself for the rest of my life!

Aiyaaa...this is just a rambling of me. I want my voice back, that's it!

October 26, 2009

+*+*~Bukan Mudah Menuju Puncak~*+*+

They said "Its like climbing the mountain. The view is always the most beautiful when u're at the top not at the bottom".

Haih...memang saya akui, bukan mudah nak menuju ke puncak. Kalau sesiapa yang kenal saya mesti tertanya-tanya, kenapa jalan ini yang saya pilih. Well, frankly, saya berasal dari ordinary traditional family - harus pergi ke sekolah, get university degree, find a job, get retired and waiting the time to die. However, bila saya dah dapat university degree and got a job, saya mula merasa BOSAN. Bekerja untuk orang lain dan melakukan kerja yang sama setiap hari benar-benar membosankan saya.

So, saya mengambil langkah drastik dengan meninggalkan segala kerjaya saya dan memulakan hidup baru. Cuma saya tak tau dari mana harus saya mulakan. Apa yang ada pada saya masa tu hanyalah impian dan harapan. Saya bercita-cita untuk bekerja di tengah2 kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur, bekerja dengan international company dan bekerja dengan foreigners. Itulah cita2 saya.

Puaslah saya mencari pekerjaan yang memenuhi kriteria saya itu. Harapan saya dengan pengalaman bekerja selama 3 tahun itu cukuplah untuk saya "menjual" diri saya. Tapi kenyataan tak semudah apa yang saya fikirkan. Cubaan2 saya untuk mendapat pekerjaan yang saya impikan itu hanyalah impian semata2, persaingan sangatlah hebat, hanya yang terbaik saja layak untuk mengabdikan diri di tengah2 kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur.

Sehinggalah saya berjumpa dengan fantastic company bernama Herbalife. Actually setelah hampir fed up mencari kerja ke sana dan ke mari, akhirnya saya membuat keputusan untuk bekerja daripada rumah saja. A magic click on the "Work From Home" advertisement yang menemukan saya dengan fantastic company ini and with my fantastic partner too.

Its really a dream come true company. See my criteria:-

1. Saya nak bekerja di tengah2 kota metropolitan KL - Herbalife HQ terletak di Jalan Raja Chulan, KL. Tak ke tengah2 KL namanya tu? And also, our distributor office situated at Jalan Changkat Raja Chulan, just behind the HQ, so memang saya dapat peluang utk bekerja di tengah2 KL lah :).

2. I want to work with international company - Herbalife originally from USA, listed in NYSE (top 10 US company some more), 29 years in business, already in 70 countries (going to be 71 in November).

3. I want to work with foreigners - my partner & coach is from US and Taiwan, so tak ke namanya saya bekerja dengan foreigner tu.

4. As a bonus - I can work with my own time, no stress and I'm the one who responsible to design my work and my future with this company.

See, thats why I really appreciate this company so much. Its really a dream come true company. And on Saturday I met Abdolreza from Iran. Seems like he is interested so much with this company business, so most probably I will get another foreigner business partner. And amazingly, he can listen to me and listen to my recommendation. Huaaa...tak taula macam mana nak describe my feeling now. Most probably next year (2010), Herbalife will spread their wing to Dubai, so by that time I shall be ready to spread my wings as well together. Wahh...I cannot imagine when I am 30 years old I already have a chance to do international business. I'm so excited and can't wait for that moment to come!

So now, pedulilah apa orang nak kata pun. Kalau ada orang kata saya gila dan mereng sebab memilih jalan seperti ini saya hanya akan anggukkan kepala dan berkata "I can be more crazy than u can ever imagine". What I know now is this company really change me and I manage to be a better person from day to day just by doing business in the right way with this company. I love Herbalife so much!

And I tell u what, its really hard to climb to the top, but the view will be the most beautiful from the top. It doesnt matter whether u can climb faster and slowly, the most important thing is u keep climbing and make sure that u will reach the top!

October 25, 2009

+*+*~I Can't Believe It, Can U??~*+*+

Am so excited to blog about this, as I never believe and never think that I will get this chance in my life!

Well, today is Saturday, which means its interview day. Normally, I will give a call, let say starting from Wednesday for those who really seriously looking for extra income, and I will invite them for the interview session on Saturday. My job is easy, just ring out the phone, introduce a little bit about who we are and we're doing and invite them for the interview, that's it! And the amazing thing is I never know who they are and what is their background (so they are :P).

So today, as usual, after the company presentation and what not, I start to attend those who came for the interview session today. And guess what? Today, all my guest are foreigners! 1 from Pakistan, 2 from Iran. So after had some chat with them, and roughly asked what they are looking for in this company, I got this man, his name is Abdolreza. Happen to be now he's studying English in KBU. And he asked me a lot of killer question about the business. And after I explain to him briefly about the business, about the system and what not, then only I found out that he was a businessman (multi-million company) from Iran and just came here to study English! Can you believe that? I'm interviewing an experienced businessman (of course more experience than me), foreigner and amazing thing is I manage to interview him in English!

Knowing me, how bad my English is...I still remember my first interview with 1 of the public listed company in Malaysia (which happened that my uncle is the CEO of this company), I got a feedback from the interviewer (which I got this from my aunt), they said that my English is like "Kelantanese English" (no offense to Kelantanese, but this is how bad they try to picture my English was). But today, I"M INTERVIEWING THE FOREIGNER IN ENGLISH AND HE CAN UNDERSTAND ME AND THE BUSINESS AS WELL! And tomorrow he is coming to the biggest training ever on the earth by HERBALIFE! I cannot believe this! I'm slapping my self just to make sure that I'm not dreaming! Its really a dream come true! :D HERBALIFE really change my life!

And also now I'm actively doing the weight loss challenge for the public in order to help those who really serious to lose some weight and giving back to the community and sharpening my skill in coaching people to lose weight as well. So after this, don't be afraid, for those who really need my coaching about healthy eating habits, healthy life style and to stay healthy forever, I would love to help you a lot and share my experiences with you!

Now I want to go to bed. Actually I would love to blog something about my son, Aimar, but I need to go to bed now because I have a big day tomorrow. Guess what, I'm having a training from Hemang Pandit, Executive Senior President's Team (with 2 diamonds) from India! So I need to save my energy so much, otherwise I cannot focus in my training. I'll blog about Aimar later :)

October 19, 2009

+*+*~When Blogging Seems So Boring...~*+*+

Lately saya sangat malas membelog. Bukanlah hidup saya terlalu hambar, tapi saya rasa bosan sangat membelog sekarang ni. Ni semua akibat semua entry saya adalah bosan sebab tiada gambar-gambir (haih...dah bertahun blogging macam ni baru nak perasan?). Hmmm...I have to admit that people, selera saya pun akan berubah mengikut peredaran tak?

Minggu lepas kehidupan saya adalah sangat hectic sebab saya telah membuat pertunjukkan jalan (read: roadshow) di Persidangan Agung UMNO 2009 bertempat di PWTC, KL. Haih...bila attend exhibition macam ni mulalah buat saya berfikir...banyak gila rupanya kerja saya sebab kesedaran tentang kesihatan di kalangan orang Melayu adalah sangat rendah. Mentaliti orang Melayu ni...asalkan boleh ngap apa saja masuk dalam mulut tu lebih penting daripada ambil tahu apa yang sepatutnya disuapkan dalam mulut mereka. I have to tell them that the foods that they eat daily can kill them...if they don't start taking care of what they eat! Sorry tiada gambar sepanjang roadshow kami di sana walaupun saya ada bawa kamera sebab problem saya sekarang PC saya tiada card reader. So, kalau amik gambar bagai nak rak pun, takde makna kalau saya tak boleh transfer. (alasan)

Sudah!! Balik2 cerita takde card reader so takleh transfer gambar. Lepas ni pegi The Mines pegi borong semua makbapakdatuknenekcucucicit card reader kat situ.

Today onwards, hidup saya akan jadi lebih hectic lagi. Group effort - kitorang tengah orgnize Community Weight Loss Challenge in order to help people to lose weight. Our own effort - going to hold Family Nutrition Center so ada 2 minggu saja untuk settelkan invitation, advertising and what not. Hectic memang la hectic, tapi I'm really excited sebab dah tak sabar nak share and bantu orang lain jadi sihat juga :).

Haih...okla. Back to work. Nanti bila saya dah beli card reader I will excitedly update this blog again.

October 07, 2009


Saya cuba untuk meluangkan masa untuk update blog ini supaya semak samun tidak tumbuh dan labah-labah pun takut mahu buat sarang (apa kau merepek ni labuuu??). Tapi suddenly kerja saya menjadi saaaangat banyak dan tidak cukup tangan untuk dihandle.

Memandangkan sekarang statistic obesiti di Malaysia telah meningkat ke 60%, saya sebagai wellness coach perlu bekerja keras lagi untuk:-
1. Turunkan berat badan saya ke berat badan ideal dengan kadar yang sangat segera - saya perlu ringankan lagi badan saya supaya saya boleh bergerak lebih pantas dan membantu menyelesaikan masalah obesiti dengan kadar yang sangat segera.
2. Turunkan berat badan suami saya lagi 20kg dengan kadar yang sangat segera juga - otherwise dia dah start letih2 dan malas2 nak buat kerja. Susahlah ini macam...
3. Cari 25 orang yang serius nak turunkan berat badan - i need to help more people and new testimonies too!!
4. Cari lagi ramai wellness coach - aaaaa kerja saya dah banyak sangat sampai saya nak update blog pun tak sempat.

Kalau previously saya tak strict sangat dengan diet saya - still bantai makan whenever I feel like eating - tapi sekarang ni saya dah start cut off nasi - I opt for tofu and high protein diet - dan saya perlu mulakan exercise activity saya - actually pegi jogging sambil cari orang yang saya boleh tolong untuk turun berat badan dan buat promosi weight loss challenge -. Petang ni should go to Tasik Permaisuri, 1 round dulu kira ok kot. Kena test juga stamina level macam mana lepas dah dekat 2 tahun stop my sports activity ni.

More wellness coach needed!! And do you know that obesity contribute to global warming? I will publish it here later. Ini sudah kes serious, patutla Malaysia makin panas dan kurang hujan :( Rupanya statistik obesiti dah meningkat!