+*+*~Quote Of The Day~*+*+

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Jim Rohn, Business Philosopher

November 03, 2009

+*+*~November Goals~*+*+

Sometimes when my life is so damn hectic, I try to figure out whats wrong with it. I know that life is not suppose to be that hectic and I found out I have a big problem...really BIG problem. I never put any target or goal upon the works that I need to finish out. Maybe I used to be a good slave before, putting my life in others people hand, but the best thing is I dont have to set any goal for myself. Other people is deciding how my life should be and what is my goal every month and every year. But, when I felt like such life is so boring, I decided to drive my own life, that is my BIG problem --> I never set a goal for myself!

But, no problem! Leaders are always improving a little bit from day to day. Dont wish it were easier, wish you were better. So here I am, setting my GOAL for this month of NOVEMBER (still early kan for me to set this? wink :P)



  1. Invite 40 people to HOM this month
  2. Help 5 downlines to get 10 healthy breakfast customers each.
  3. Help 10 people to improve their health by improving their breakfast.
  4. Help 3 people to lose weight.

  1. Finish Leadership Development Program notes by end of this month.
  2. Finish 2 sections of 360 degree leader by John Maxwell.
  3. Update my blog at least once in 2 days time.
  4. Buy liquid foundation which is almost finish by the middle of the month (out topic ;P)

So, need to set my sail towards my goal!

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