Berangan No.1 - Saya mahu iPod Nano Chrome.

Picture courtesy from Apple
Hari tu ikut hubby pegi ke Apple Center (lupa lak nama kedai tu) kat Pavillion sebab dia nak usha iPhone 3Gs dia and the accessories. Masa dok tunggu2 dia tu tertengok la ini benda. Sungguh mencairkan jiwa! Dan bila saya dapat tau yang saya boleh load video juga menggunakan iPod ini terus saya jatuh chenta. Nampak gaya kena masuk dalam wish list lah kalu macam ni. I opt for green colour or red colour one. Mesti beli by end of this year!
Picture from Google
Actually highlight dia adalah dinding2 cermin and wood floor tu. Setiap Mill team ke atas akan dapat bilik ini seorang 1 and setiap dinding akan diperbuat daripada cermin. Kalau nak privacy sikit kita letakkan plastic curtain. And setiap bilik should have their own sofa for their guest.

Picture from Google
Yang ni pulak highlight dia adalah tempat rehat yang ada sofa kaler hitam tu. Actually I plan to do this as discussion area or waiting area or tempat untuk customers duduk2 sambil kita bagi khidmat nasihat pemakanan mereka. Sambil duduk2 tu they will be served with our yummy shakes and tea mix.
Supervisor Work Station
Picture from Google
Highlight dalam gambar ni is layout of the work station. This will be my supervisors work station. Green in colour of course sempena theme colour of Herbalife. And computer tu would be from Apple as well. Abaikan balcony itu as I dont think this office should have the balcony at work station area - sebab saya tak mahu staff yang merokok. But that area should be dinding kaca yang mengadap pemandangan yang indah (i.e-KLCC atau apa2 bangunan pencakar langit yang sayup mata memandang).
GET Team Work Station
Picture from Google
This will be my GET Team work station. As their organisation would become bigger they will need more space to keep their team track records. And also this will be a motivation for the Supervisor to keep up their works.
My Work Station.
Picture from Google
This is how my work station will look like. In this picture the highlight is the table in front of the chair. Saya mahu meja yang ada cermin and saya boleh letak PC di bawah itu. Cara meletakkan PC seperti itu lebih ergonomik. And also mesti ada table kat sebelah tu untuk saya letakkan Mac Book Pro saya.
Picture from Google
Or it should look like this. Di belakang saya mesti ada tingkap besar seperti itu yang mengadap kepada pemandangan yang indah, so senang saya nak mencari idea bila terasa macam stuck.
Picture from Google
And kena ada satu area yang saya boleh jadikan as mini library macam ni dalam bilik saya. Kata dah President's Team masa tu, so I should have the biggest room kan? And I have a lot of books so I need a proper place to store them all. :)
Oh ya, lupa pula saya nak cerita tentang location. Saya bagi 2 choice lah, kalau tak kat Center KL (macam Ampang or Bukit Bintang) it should be area macam Damansara or Hartamas. Haih...kena kerja keras ni, by 2011 angan2 saya ni mesti jadi kenyataan!
Okla, now its time to sleep. My baby has fallen asleep already so need to accompany him. :)
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